• 5604 Willow Crossing Ct, Clifton, VA, 20124


As a part of the all-new revised TeamKovu.com website, the idea and goal of being interactive is to tap the collective wisdom of the community and contribute in a form of an article containing their experience, knowledge, opinion and the likes to TeamKovu.com. In return, we will place all chosen articles in one place that is formally presented to all the online visitors of the site to serve as the community's collective resource guide.

Below are the guidelines on how you can make that contribution and be heard in the community:

  • Menu ListMay be written in either English or Tagalog and will greatly depend on how much you can express yourself better. TeamKovu.com will just provide an English translation for the other site visitors that are not familiar with the vernacular.
  • Must be interesting and worthwhile on topics ranging from the American Bulldog breed to dog training, dog sports, health issues and concerns, or any other dog activities.
  • If your articles will be accompanied by some pictures for a much better presentation, the better. However, you must OWN the accompanying pictures or have written PERMISSION to use such in your articles. Credit must be given to the owners of the pictures you have provided with permission.
  • Must not contain any derogatory words either directed to a specific person, group, organization, or dog.
  • Submitted articles must be of your OWN work and knowledge. Disclaimers and/or references to whom credit should go to must expressly be noted on the articles.
  • Articles to be featured on this site will still belong to you and TeamKovu.com will just be an online publisher for your voice to be heard on a much wider range of audience.
  • This is a free service of TeamKovu.com and no fees or whatsoever will be collected. This is just a means for Team Kovu to give something back to the community and contribute as well.
  • Articles can be submitted on either Microsoft Word (doc or docx), Adobe Acrobat (pdf), or Pages (pages) document formats.
  • Prior to sending your articles, please create an account in our TeamKovu.com website as that is what we will be using to check the identity of the sender of the articles that we will be receiving and once an article was chosen, we will use your registered name as the author of that article.

Please send in your articles to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will be more than glad to review and eventually feature your interesting and worthwhile articles to the online community. Time for your voices and thoughts to be heard!

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